Wheelchair skateboarding

Amazing video of a manual wheelchair skateboarder


AMAZING footage of a talented wheeler, skateboarding by balancing his rear wheels on a skateboard.

Mounir sk8 by vagdespoir


In the video a guy balances his manual wheelchair on a skateboard. He rocks back and forth, horizontally across the skateboard with his manual chair tipped back. He is a able to change the direction of the board and keep it going. Really very clever.

Found this on a French site called vagdespoir

Below is a google translation of the Vagdespoir site that looks interesting for those keen on accessible sports.

“VAGDESPOIR is a sports and social association.

Founded in March 2004 by a group of young handicapped and disabled, a passion for sports, including Ishmael GUILLIORIT is the founding president. It currently has over 600 members (of which two thirds are valid) at the national level and has set up eight antennas on the French coastline.

VAGDESPOIR has to be noticed by the originality of his actions, in particular, the discovery and practice of sports such as surfing, snowboarding, kite … by people with disabilities with able-bodied. To do this, teams are trying to adapt the material to different pathologies, allowing to satisfy the best and safe, the joys of skiing. All this for a specific purpose, to establish a climate conducive to the exchange in which sport, especially the outdoor recreation, not an end, but the tools par excellence, is pleased to allow shared Disabled and valid. During these outings, the relationships are not one-way, but in a genuine spirit of sharing, even when the disabled person has the opportunity to offer.

Follow Me on Pinterest Using a manual wheelchair to ride on a skateboard!

If it were not already the case, VAGDESPOIR was made to recognize the general public by promoting its project in 2007, “The UN ZAND start” … a naked calendar, highlighting artistic and daring manner, a cast of his best HandiGlisse Riders …


– Change the Look at Disability by promoting sports HandiGlisse, example: the traveling exhibition of photographs, “Vagdespoir.com Another Look at Disability”.
Change the look of valid, but more importantly, the look of people with disabilities themselves, such as “start to the Zande NU”.
– Conduct awareness campaigns in schools, colleges, high schools, universities and event-bodied and disabled.
– To carry out support and assistance to people affected by disability, the direct victims and indirect. First time in hospitals, listening and advice from relatives (parents, friends …), example at the University Hospital of Bordeaux, and with people with disabilities and their families in rehabilitation centers, to create the spark allowing them to rediscover the joy of living, such as: The Tower of Gassies, the center Kerpape …
– Actions sports, “Weekends HandiGlisse”, and outdoor activities, promoting the exchange and without disabilities, such as: ROYAN, GUIDEL, GRUISSAN, LACANAU, BISCARROSSE …
– Training, with providers that can accommodate this particular audience in the outdoor recreation, such as: the method “From parking to the Wave.”

All our actions are relayed by various media, press, radio, television,
and on our website, www.vagdespoir.com, with many illustrations:
“For us a well-chosen picture is worth a thousand words.”
Our pictures and videos are the guarantors of that best characterizes our association, “ACTION” …”

I bet there are more wheelchair skateboarding videos out there somewhere, feel free to post below. :-)

About the Author


I am MD of Trabasack, an award winning company I co-founded 3 years ago. Trabasack is a lap tray and bag that is useful for everyone providing a level work and play surface wherever you need one.

Trabasack also promotes social inclusion for people with disabilities and because of its 'Design for All' accessibility, I won a Level 2 Award from UnLtd the charity for social entrepreneurs.

I am a dad of two and carer for my son with Dravet Syndrome. Interests include disability advocacy, accessible gaming, social media for business, cider making and neglecting an allotment.
Connect with me on Google+

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